
  • Sánchez-Cuervo AM., Bravo A., Dallmeier F., Vanthomme H. Future scenarios for participative territorial management: a multistep framework accounting for imperfect stakeholder representativeness. In preparation.
  • Fonteyn, D., Fayolle, A., Fa, J. E., Vanthomme, H., Vigneron, P.,
    Vermeulen, C., … & Cornélis, D. (2024). Hunting indicators for
    community-led wildlife management in tropical Africa. npj Biodiversity, 3(1), 15.
  • Pouliquen A., Boupana Mapeyi G.A., Vanthomme H., Olive M.-M., Maganga G.D., Cornelis D., Lebel S., Peyre M., Delabouglise A. 2024. An experimental game to assess hunter’s participation in zoonotic diseases surveillance. BMC Public Health 24:342.
  • Cornelis D., Vanthomme H. 2023. « One Forest Summit » : à Libreville, la protection des forêts ne doit pas occulter les droits humains. The Conversation.
  • Deichmann J.L., Souto T., Alonso A., Carrasco-Rueda F., Dodge M., Dallmeier F., Gregory T., Richards R.C., Romulo C., Vanthomme H., Richardson M.L. 2022. 9 conservation principles: fostering collaboration for nature positive outcomes. Amplify 35 (11):

  • Fonteyn D., Fayolle A., Orbell C., Malignat R., Cornélis D., Vanthomme H., Vigneron P., Vermeulen C. 2022. Range extension of the agile mangabey (Cercocebus agilis) and of the mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) in eastern Gabon evidenced by camera traps. African Journal of Ecology 60, 4.
  • Cornélis, D., Vigneron, P., Vanthomme H. (Ed.) 2022. Gabon – Vers une gestion durable de la chasse villageoise. Diagnostic approfondi du département de Mulundu et recommandations stratégiques. SWM Programme. Rome, FAO, Cirad, CIFOR et WCS.
  • Brand CM., Johnson MB., Parker LD., Maldonado JE., Korte L., Vanthomme H., Alonso A., Ruiz-Lopez MJ., Wells CP., Ting N. 2020. Abundance, density, and social structure of African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) in a human-modified landscape in southwestern Gabon. PLoSONE 15(4):e0231832.

  • Sánchez-Cuervo AM., Santos de Lima L., Dallmeier F., Garate P., Bravo A., Vanthomme H. 2020. Twenty years of land cover change in the southeastern Peruvian Amazon: implications for biodiversity conservation. Regional Environmental Change

  • Johnson MB., Parker LD., Vanthomme H., Tchignoumba L., Deichmann JL., Maldonado JE., Korte L., Alonso A. 2019. Patterns of genetic diversity in African forest elephants living in a human‐modified landscape in southwest Gabon. Conservation Science and Practice.

  • Vanthomme H., Sánchez-Cuervo AM., Garate P., Bravo A., Dallmeier F. 2019. The future of Madre de Dios: Smithsonian’s Working Landscape Simulator for Sustainable Development. Smithsonian Press.

  • Vanthomme H., Sánchez-Cuervo AM., Garate P., Bravo A., Dallmeier F. 2019. El futuro de Madre de Dios: Simulador de paisajes productivos del Smithsonian para un desarrollo sostenible. Smithsonian Press.

  • Vanthomme H., Nzamba BS., Alonso A., Todd AS. 2018. Empirical selection between least‐cost and current flow designs for establishing wildlife corridors in Gabon. Conservation Biology.

  • Ntie S., Davis AR., Hils K., Mickala P., Thomassen HA., Morgan K., Vanthomme H., Gonder MK., Anthony NM., 2017. Evaluating the role of Pleistocene refugia, rivers and environmental variation in the diversification of central African duikers (genera Cephalophus and Philantomba). BMC Evolutionary Biology DOI 10.1186/s12862-017-1054-4.
  • Deichmann JL., Mulcahy DG., Vanthomme H., Tobi E., Wynn AH., Zimkus BM., McDiarmid RW., 2017. How many species and under what names? Using DNA barcoding and GenBank data for west Central African amphibian conservation. PLOS ONE
  • Vanthomme H., Alonso A., Tobi E., Rolegha C., Hita Garcia F., Mikissa JB., Alonso L., 2016. Associations of ant species to land cover types and human disturbance in south-west Gabon. African Journal of Ecology
  • Vanthomme H., Tobi E., Todd AF., Korte L., Alonso A., 2016. Antipoaching standards in onshore hydrocarbon concessions drawn from a Central African case study. Conservation Biology
  • Vanthomme H., Kolowski J., Nzamba BS., Alonso A., 2015. Hypothesis-driven and field-validated method to prioritize fragmentation mitigation efforts in road project. Ecological Applications
  • Alonso A., Dallmeier F., Korte L., Vanthomme H., 2014. The Gabon Biodiversity Program: a conservation research collaboration. Africa Today
  • Bahaa-el-din L., Henschel P., Aba’a R., Abernethy K., Bohm T., Bout N., Coad L., Head J., Inoue E., Lahm S., Lee ME., Maisels F., Rabanal L., Starkey M., Taylor G., Vanthomme H., Nakashima Y., Hunter L., 2013. Notes on the distribution and status of small carnivores in Gabon. Small Carnivore Conservation
  • Vanthomme H., Kolowski J., Korte L., Alonso A. 2013. Distribution of a community of mammals in relation to roads and other human disturbances in Gabon, central Africa. Conservation Biology
  • Anthony NM., Mickala P., Abernethy KA., Atteke C., Bissiengou P., Bruford MW., Dallmeier F., Decaëns T., Dudu A., Freedman A., Gonder MK., Hardy O., Hart J., Jeffery K., Johnson M., Koumba Pambo F., Ley A., Korte L., Lahm SA., Lee M., Lowenstein J., Mboumba J-F., Ndiade Bourobou D., Ngomanda A., Ntie S., Sebag D., Sullivan J., Vanthomme H., Vergnes V, Verheyen E., Zimkus B. 2012. Biodiversity and conservation genetics research in Central Africa: new approaches and avenues for international collaboration. Conservation Genetics Resources
  • Vanthomme H., Bellé B., Forget, P.-M. 2010. Bushmeat hunting alters recruitment of large-seeded plant species in Central Africa. Biotropica
  • Vanthomme H. 2010. Sustainable exploitation of wildlife in a forest village of Central African Republic: an interdisciplinary approach. PhD in Resources and ecosystems management. National Museum of Natural History of Paris, France: 330 pp.
  • O’Brien J., Devillard S., Say L., Vanthomme H., Léger F., Ruette S., Pontier D. 2009. Preserving genetic integrity in a hybridizing world: are European Wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in eastern France distinct from sympatric feral domestic cats? Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Vanthomme H. 2004. A protocol to monitor parasites of wild primates in a tropical rainforest and first results. DVM dissertation, wildlife specialization. Veterinary School of Nantes, France: 253 pp.